My pricing is tailored to the unique needs of each dining experience, taking into account the number of guests and the quality or cost of ingredients used to craft your meal. I charge a daily rate, which varies based on the size of your party, with food costs charged separately. This approach ensures flexibility and transparency, allowing me to deliver a bespoke dining experience that perfectly suits your preferences and requirements.

Number of Diners Chef Rate Estimated Food Costs (CHF) Host/s Cost per Head (Low-End) Cost per Head (High-End)
1-4 diners CHF 650 100 - 400 Host recommended CHF 188.00 CHF 263.00
5-7 diners CHF 700 400 - 700 Host recommended CHF 157.00 CHF 200.00
8-12 diners CHF 750 700 - 900 Host required CHF 133.00 CHF 225.00
13+ diners CHF 800 900 Hosts required - CHF 130.00